December 2004
Dear Family
and Friends......
from the hurricane capital of the world!
As we look
back over this past year, many memories come to mind. Two in
particular. The first being Christmas Day 2003. Instead of enjoying a
nice quiet day at home eating turkey, I was dialing 911 and following an
ambulance to the hospital with John inside. I'm sure you all know by now
about John's heart attack. It was a life changing experience to say the
least. Some good did come of it though. He now eats healthier (only
because of threats from Emilee and myself!) He STILL doesn't/won't
exercise but hey....some things NEVER change! If you don't already
know, he had a stent put in on December 26th and was back to work a month
later. Then after having his stress test in August, and finding more
blockages, they put two more stents in this past October 14th. He should
now be as good as new! Another good thing that came of his heart attack
is that he quit smoking for good this past year. After almost 40 years of
smoking, we all know it was a very hard thing for him to do, but the fear
of dying sure out weighs the joy of puffing those nasty things! We're
very proud of him!!
The second
major happening of 2004 was Emilee's graduation from West Orange High
School on May 19th. The graduation ceremony was held at the TD
Waterhouse Arena in downtown Orlando and was complete with fireworks
inside the building! Her entire senior year she made the honor roll or
principals honor roll every time. We were so proud of her! She has
plans of attending a local community college in the spring to start her
adventure into her future. She has yet to decide what path she wants to
follow, but she's sure of one thing. She wants to make lots of $$$'s!
Since graduation, she has worked two jobs, meaning she works usually 7
days a week. She tried to quit her part time job twice, but every time
she goes in to give them a 2 week notice, she calls from the mall to say
she's staying to work right then, and they won't accept her resignation!
She has been saving her money and enjoys seeing her bank account balance
go up and up and up! Because of working 7 days a week, she doesn't have a
special someone in her life right now. She's decided there is plenty of
time for that, and besides, all guys are "losers" in her opinion!
is currently driving a charter bus. He now works for a company called GEO
Tours. He enjoys his job MOST days. More so when he has a senior group
that "won't mess up or get my bus dirty!" The one major downside to this
job is that you never know for sure when your working or exactly what
time you'll be finished. Traffic plays a big part in it and we all know
how bad that can be at times! It's very hard to plan things for your
personal life, so he pretty much works on a day to day basis. A plus
side is that he gets to go to all sorts of new places for free. Now if
only we could get him out of the bus to walk around and see them, and
get the exercise he needs! Like that's going to happen!!
As for me,
I'm still working my 3 days a week at Spring Hill Nursery. I have
threatened to quit a few times myself, but after being there for almost 13
years, it's like my second home and family. I guess with any job there
are good days and bad days. As for my health, this past July was my 5
year anniversary of my last chemotherapy treatment, so they tell me I'm
over that major hump now. My past few tests have shown some abnormal
signs, but they tell me it's nothing to worry about and all very normal
for me. Easy for them to say! I just continue to go for my checkups
and try not to worry about it.
This year
we also had to make a decision about my vehicle. The lease was up on my
Expedition. It was time to either buy it, lease a new one, or purchase
something else. We chose the last option. We decided on a 2005 Nissan
Altima. What a change from the Expedition where your riding up high, to a
smaller 4 door car where you feel like your sitting on the road! I love
it though! I am already used to the size of it and can go three weeks on
a tank of gas. What a difference!
We made two trips this summer to Conneaut. The first trip was a pleasure
trip and then about 6 weeks later, the second one was to attend Aunt Sue's
funeral. Believe me, 20 hours, straight through, in a car, each way, with
all three of us AND two dogs is FUN!! Thank goodness we hadn't traded in
my Expedition yet! Even though the last trip was a sad trip, it was
really nice to see a
lot of the family that we missed by not being able to attend the reunion
this year. We really enjoyed the cooler weather and being able to put a
jacket on in August! It was a nice summer break from our Florida heat.
We survived
all three hurricanes without too much damage. There was none to our house
really. We had a lot of clean up of tree branches and LOTS of leaves!
Last year we had a huge tree in front of our house cut down. It's a good
thing we did, or it no doubt would have been in our dining room. We
still have one tree in the back of our house that is leaning a bit and
needs to come down, but we consider ourselves very lucky considering the
damage we've seen to other peoples homes. One good thing did come of
this too. Our small neighborhood became closer. Everyone helped each
other with the cleanup and people that wouldn't even speak or wave
before now say "Good Morning" and wave when picking up their morning
Our dear
little Yorkie, Abbee, will be 13 years old on New Years Eve. She is
about 90% blind and has a heart condition that she takes medication for
twice a day. Still, she loves to play with her toys and take walks.
However, most of the time Emilee or I end up carrying her! Our Maltese,
Marcee, is still as mean as ever. She torments Abbee on a daily basis,
but even though Abbee is only 5 pounds, she holds her ground and won't
take any "crap" from Marcee! Even though I never had any sisters, I hear
that's what they do to each other, so I guess it's normal! We still have
our Quaker parrot, Kiwee and our parakeets too. We started with two
parakeets, but just this past week, someone gave Emilee two more, so now
there are a total of four. Emilee bought them a bird condo over the
summer, so there is plenty of room. We're also finding out that four
isn't a whole lot louder than two are!
That about
wraps up 2004 for this Lewis family. We look forward to 2005 and hope
that it's a healthy and profitable year for everyone. Through all that
we've been through, we've learned that you should not take anything for
granted and live each day to the fullest. Life's too short to sweat the
small stuff! Enjoy yourself, stay healthy, and above all..... be
Our love to
John, Pam, Emilee, Abbee, Marcee,
Kiwee, Mollee, Pollee, Dollee, & Hollee