here is fine. The weather has been pleasantly cooler. Diane &Barry are coming down tomorrow. We are going to 5:00 Children's Mass
then over to my house. The kids will open some of their gifts
from me &
each other.
Then Christmas morning a few Santa gifts-Lauren wants to
believe but I know
she doesn't!!
In the afternoon Lynne & Henry et al come back over to my
house for gift
exchange and dinner.
Being in the charity world does not allow for alot of time off
at end of the
year, but I will take a few days off when my acct asst comes
The kids are great. Steven has two more semesters in middle
school. This
Fall he will be in high school and that is our next project to
check out
high schools. We have alot of magnet programs that are open to
students, you do not have to live in the boundaries. He wants
to check into
the environmental science program (ie marine biology,
environmental issues).
He loves math, science and the outdoors so this might be a fun
program for
him. Lauren at 9 going on 19 keeps me on my toes. She is sweet
and very
social--every weekend it's a sleepover or some other social
obligation. She
is in Girl Scouts and doing gymnastics and art club at school.
Take care and give our best to everyone--Merry Christmas &
a Happy and
Healthy New Year!!
Michele and Family