Hi, Since we are in a mess of being repaired, our spirits won't be in the Christmas Spirits unless we get our cards and notes out early. Also, soon the parties will stat which we enjoy. Christy made one trip out to Indiantown with toys, food, ets. However, he will make another one during Christmas week, for his fellow Knights of Columbus have more toys and he has more food to distribute to the poor. Our spirit of giving is in full bloom, but the decorating is on hold for a little while. The last time I called your Mom, she said she was coming to Florida after Christmas. I will be happy to see her and sister Diane. I can leave the decorations up after the Epiphany which I usually don't, but I am very flexible in my old age. We will procrastinate and not have our carpeting tore up and replaced till 2005. More mess, but necessary. I have put that on hold and don't think about it till the time comes. Other people have not returned to their town houses since Sept. 4. I can imagine what a moldy mess their places are. So we have been blessed and we consider ourselves lucky. Also, we have kept our home in tio top shape with preventative and cautious things against winds and hurricanes. Our lives have changed with more family in them. now Michelle has twin sons 20 years age, a husband and 60 cousins in Italy. She and Mike gathered up gifts that they will send for Christmas. Christy went and bought hats and T-shirts with logos and patches that they in Italy like. (America stuff). Two boxes full. i have seen the video tapes three times and looking forward to seeing them again and again. Our lives here are everyday interesting things, just like you all have in your lives. No place is perfect, but we like Florida better than any other place. Even with four bad hurricanes n a month. first time we were affected by any in 38 years, so who is complaining. Not me! Making conversation about the unusual things in our lives. Pray you all have a happy and Healthy Holiday and 2005 is a great year for you. Love, |