Seniors 1
Seniors 1
On July 7, 1917 Peter Gurto married Mary Del Vecchio.
Over the next 21 years they had 12 children. Sadly, 2 of the children died as
babies. The rest went on to have families of their own. As these 10 children
grew older and had children and grandchildren of their own, the way to refer to them
became confusing. Were they the children?.. the parents?... the grandparents?
To end the confusion we now refer to them as...
The Seniors...
The first generation of American
Gurtos. Our parents, our grandparents, and now our great grandparents. As I
write this on August 28, 1999, eight of the seniors seem poised to see us into the 21st century
There's something about them. They have all done their part to keep the family together.
It was the seniors who decided to hold the reunions. And after 28 years the reunions are
still going strong.
These pages are a tribute to the
Seniors. As I remember my childhood, each of the Seniors made an impression on me.
I have shared my impressions on their pages. I urge you to do the same.
Jim, Christy, Rosie, Frank, Mary, Pat, Grandpa, Joe, Mary, Tony, Susie, Effie
The third generation, my generation, began on September 12, 1943 with the birth of
Sharen Speer, daughter of Rosie and Bob Speer. 31 more children would be added
over the next 33 years. Two of these children would die early, Susan Speer,
daughter of Rosie and Bob Speer, as a newborn, and Vinnie Gurto, son of
Joe and Lorraine Gurto, at age 5.
We refer to this generation as...
The juniors... July 1994
Brandy, Tony, Nick, Michael, Janice, Mark, Michelle, Faye, Jimmy, Steve, Sheila
Patty-Ann, David, Pam, Nancy, Joyce, Dana, Sherry. (in front:) Brenda, Sharen,
Diane, Joe
Information about the juniors is included on the seniors pages at this time.
Please send me this information also.
Generation 4, for which there is no nickname yet, began on November 30, 1970 with the
birth of Johnny Lewis II. Children are still being born in this generation, the most recent
being Steven John Moneypenny, Jr., on August 19, 1998. Sadly, he died at 5 weeks of age,
the son of Steve and Tammy Moneypenny and Grandson of Mary and John Moneypenny
There are now 3 Gurtos in the Fifth generation. Beginning with Johnny Lewis III, born on
March 27, 1992 and continuing with children being born to Daniel Oliver and Loretta Felger,
children of Kim Anglebrandt and grandchildren of Frank Gurto, Sr.
Back row: Jill Hackett, Mindi Schneider holding Rachel Miller, Missy Schneider holding
Shane Kazimer, Alan Vorse holding Lauren Veil, Steven Veil, Dominic Gurto, Toni Rae
Raisian David Burford, Daniel Burford, Nick Gurto (Juniors) holding Nick Gurto Jr.
Front row; Johnny Kazimer, Alexandra Miller, Nicholas Miller, Johnny Lewis III (Generation
5), Christopher Gurto, Kyle Clancy, Karl Clancy, Jeffery Raisian, Toni Ward holding onto
Luke Ward, Jennifer and Kelly Kolling, Samantha Gurto, Rocky Ulrich