Gurto In Memoriam 2
Lewis 18 WHEELING WAS IN HIS BLOOD: CONNEAUT - William A. Lewis, 75, died Tuesday, April 25, 2000, at his home. IN MEMORIAM Bill Lewis / April 25, 2000
A message to those I left
18-wheeling was in my blood,
When the miles made me weary
I am safely home in Heaven
PAM'S JOURNEY'S JUST BEGUN Just think of her as resting Think how she must be wishing And think of her as living Pam Waldoch - Obituary Waldoch, Pamela M.Publication Date: Jan. 02, 2002Age 26 years. Passed away suddenly in her sleep on Dec. 29, 2001. Loving daughter of David and Sharen. Cherished sister of Greg. Beloved fiancée of Jeff Ostby. Very dear granddaughter of the late Erv (the late Mae) Waldoch and the late Bob (the late Rose) Speer. Dear niece of Chris (Marsha) Waldoch, the late Dennis Waldoch, Duane (Barbara) Waldoch and Jim Speer. Further survived by cousins, other relatives and many close friends.Pam was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on December 25, 1975. She attended Stonebank Grade School, and graduated from Arrowhead High School in 1994. she was on the Junior Varsity tennis team and the Junior Varsity basketball team. she won awards for art and had several pieces of her pottery displayed at the Milwaukee Art Museum. she had attended the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, for two years and was planning on returning to school in the spring for interior Design. She enjoyed drawing, working with clay, working with children and writing poetry. She had just begun writing her first novel. Professionally, Pam worked as a personal nanny, a professional photographer and her last position was as Banquet Captain at the Brookfield, Wisconsin Sheraton Inn. Family and friends will meet Thurs., 10 AM at the Funeral Home for a procession to St. Adalbert Cemetery (3801 S. 6th St.) for Committal Services at 11 AM. Visitation and Service Wed., 4:30-8 PM at the Funeral Home. MAX A. SASS & SONS GREENRIDGE CHAPEL 4747 S. 60th St.
From Sharen and Dave Some people come
into our lives and stay a short time but they leave footprints on our hearts. And we
are never the same again. That is what Pam has done for us. That in her honor, you have come here today to help comfort her family and each other. I would like to read a part of a prayer my brother read at our Mother's memorial. As we speak we will remember Pam, for GOD has given us the gift of memory that we might keep alive those we love. So long as we live, Pam too shall live, for she is a part of us and we will remember her always. Because we remember her, she shall not be far away, and she shall live on in our hearts forever. Everyone has been
asking what they can do for her family. Not a thing for us, because what we need and
want is not possible. The best thing you can do for us is to tell people that you
love them. Even if you think they know, tell them because you never know when that
person will be taken away from you suddenly. If your children are adults, give them
hugs and kisses, even if you have to chase them and grab them. Because no matter
what you do for them, that is the most important thing you will ever do in your life. It 's difficult to part with those we love at any time. However, it seems harder at Christmastime. Why? Because it's a time when gifts are given and shared. Wasn't it GOD our heavenly Father who gave us a gift at Christmas? Wasn't it Emmanuel, GOD with us, who we received at Christmas? Yes, GOD gave us his only begotten, beloved son as a gift. He spent only a very few short years with us here on earth. He was given a cross to bear in our place. He did this because he loved us. He was placed upon this cross, not deserving death, yet he died and was buried. We as Christians believe this. We also believe that after three days he arose from the grave and is now alive. He defeated death for us. We believe not in a religion, but rather in a reality. So it is with Pam. GOD gave us (her parents, her brother, her fiance, her co-workers, relatives and friends) a gift, a very special and unique gift. A beautiful woman named Pam. She was given to us for a few short years, but each of us has been blessed by the moments we spent in her presence. The giver of the gift: The Creator of her life, however, has chosen to take her to another realm. Be assured, she is not dead. This treasure lying in this treasure box before us is a Child of GOD, and GOD loves his children. She has simply closed her eyes to this world and has entered her eternal life. The flesh and blood of her earthly body will be buried tomorrow and will return to the dust from which she was formed, but the spirit continues to live. her spirit is alive. God's word, in the Bible says, "To be absent from the body, is to be present with the Lord." She now abides in the presence of a holy GOD, who has reserved a seat for her at a banquet that will soon be given. Now instead of serving others, Pam will be served. She will be a guest awaiting rewards and her inheritance. As a child of GOD, she has been covered with his righteousness, his mercy and his grace. It has been a pleasure to work along side of Pam, and if she brought joy to my heart, how much greater the joy she must have brought to those woh know her better and more intimately, and most of all her Heavenly Father, who knows her best. We will miss you,
Pam We loved Pam. . . she will always be a part of us. . . and to you her parents, we say. . . Thaks for sharing your wonderful daughter with us.
Loving Memory Of Almost silently . . .Only a moment you stayed. But what am imprint your footprints have left upon my heart. In Loving Memory of Pam, who passed away December 29, 2001
WHEN TOMORROW STARTS WITHOUT ME When tomorrow starts without me, and I’m not there to see; If the sun should rise and find your eyes, all filled with tears for me. I wish so much you wouldn’t cry, the way you do each day, While thinking of the many things, we didn’t get to say. I know how much you love me, as much as I love you; And each time that you think of me, please know I’ll miss you, too. But when tomorrow starts without me, please try to understand, That an angel came and called my name, and took me by the hand. And said a place ready, in Heaven up above; And that I’d have to leave behind, all those I truly love. I had so much to live for, so much yet to do. It seemed impossible, that I was leaving you. When tomorrow starts without me, don’t think we’re far apart; For every time you think of me, I’m right there in your heart.
Apr. 16, 1935 - Aug.
11, 2003 To the Trackman by M. H. Moses Have you ever
worked through a stormy night Or perhaps you've walked the settling fills You've tramped the cuts on frozen feet If you've stopped in a shack beside the track You're in a class not known to brass Merry
Christmas From Heaven I
still hear the songs I
still share your hopes I just
want to tell you Joe Gurto - Obituary CONNEAUT Joseph Gurto, age 68, of Conneaut, died early Monday morning, August 11, 2003, at UHHS Brown Memorial Hospital in Conneaut. Funeral arrangements are pending and will be announced in tomorrow's newspaper by the RAISIAN FAMILY FUNERAL HOME, 581 Harbor St., Conneaut.
Star Beacon