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#2 JULY 14 1973

Hosted by Effie & Bill Lewis
Peter, Effie, Frank's House.JPG (20703 bytes)This is where Effie and Bill lived in 1973

We welcome into the Family This Year

David Waldoch

  Minutes of the Reunion Meeting



       The second family reunion of the Gurto Family was held on Saturday July 14th, 1973 at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Bill Lewis.  They were forty-five members present and three guests.  One Member and her family were absent because of illness on the part of the husband, John Moneypenny. They were missed.  The day got started with cocktails and greetings and conversation by all.  Then everyone lined up for the delicious dinners.  A variety of different dishes were available.  Everyone ate until their hearts content and their bellies were full.

       Then everyone hit the back yard for fun and games.  They were some for all different ages.

       The meeting of all family members was then called to order by our president, James Gurto.  The minutes of the last reunion were read by the secretary, Joyce M. Gurto.  New ideas and suggestions were made by quite a few members of the family.  It was then finally decided to raise the initial donation from 10 dollars to 15 dollars.  This was because of meat going up and etc.  This is to be paid by each member of the 10 Gurto children and as each get married, then they are to donate also.

       It was also voted and passed that we would each bring our own bottle of cheer.  The host and hostess would in return provide the ice, mixes and beer.  It was also decided to remind everyone that regardless of whether or not the immediate members come to the reunion they are still obligated to send their share.  It would be appreciated by the host and hostess if everyone would have their money and their reply to the invitation, as to how many in the family will be present at least 20 or 30 days before the day of the party.

       The meeting was then closed by our president and supper was served by Effie and Bill.  Everyone then visited with each other.

       The next reunion will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pat gurto, 709 Wrights Avenue, Conneaut on the 13th of July 1974

See everyone next year.

Your Secretary, Joyce M. Gurto