#3 JULY 13 1974 Hosted by Pat & Gayle Gurto
Minutes of the Meeting -1974- GURTO FAMILY REUNION The third annual reunion of the Gurto family was held Saturday July 13th 1974 at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Pat Gurto, 709 Wrights Ave. Conneaut, Ohio. The ten Gurtos namely, Rose, James, Mary Christy, Anthony, Florence, Susie, Frank, Joseph, Pat are the sons & daughters of Mr. & Mrs. Pietro Gurto 717 Wrights Ave., now deceased. The gathering was opened with dinner being served by the host & hostess. Next was fun & games that everyone participated in young and old alike. Volleyball, football, card playing, swimming, & joking was enjoyed by everyone. A break was called and a meeting was then called to order by our president, James Gurto. Minutes of the last reunion was read by the sec., Joyce M. Gurto. New and old ideas were discussed by all members and their families to make the reunions and entertaining. A motion was made by Christy Gurto, and seconded by Joe Gurto to elect a historian to keep all records of the family events throughout the year and make an album. This is to be kept in the family. It was voted and passed. Mr. & Mrs. James Gurto of Wexford, Pa., were elected to be in charge of this project. All family members are to send all family happenings to them before the next reunion. The group was then served a delicious supper. The meals were partially catered by Johnnys Market. The rest was made and served by Mr. & Mrs. Pat Gurto. This event was attended by all members from near and far. Four from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, seven from Allentown, Pa., five from Wexford, Pa.,three from Sharon, Pa., two from Marrietta, Ohio, three from West Palm Beach, Florida, twenty-seven from Conneaut, Ohio. The two new members of the family were Brandy N. Gurto (Nov. 25, 1973), daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Joe Gurto, of Conneaut, and Gregory D. Waldoch, (Sept. 19, 1973), son of Mr. & Mrs. David Waldoch of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The next reunion will be held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Robert Speer on Saturday July 12th, 1975 at 12 noon until ? Our thanks to Pat and Gayle Gurto for a wonderful, entertaining day. See you all next year. Your secretary, Joyce M. Gurto |