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#9 JULY 12 1980

Hosted by Frank Gurto

We welcome into the Family This Year

Joshua Gurto
Stacy Hackett
Pam Lewis
Daniel Burford
Loretta Felger











David, Sharen, Aunt Rosie, Jimmy
Pam, Greg

Aunt B-Ann, Patti, Bob, Nancy holding Daniel
Uncle Jim

Barry, Diane, Lynne, Aunt Peggy, Uncle Christy

Dan, Sheila holding Missy, Steve, Pam, Tim, Joyce holding Jill, John, Faye, Susan
Matthew, Aunt Mary holding Stacey.,  Kimmy, Jack holding Zachery

Dana, Uncle Tony, ?, Ellen, David

Uncle Frank, Kimmy, Daniel, Frank Jr.

Uncle Bill, Aunt Effie

Aunt Susie

Uncle Joe, Aunt Lorraine, Tony, Kathy, Joe Jr.
Brandy, Nick, Mark

Scott, Sherry, Gayle, Pat

Minutes of the Meeting


Meeting – July 10, 1980 7:30 pm

       The meeting was called to order by our President James Gurto.

       Pat, Frank, Joe, Jim, Christy, Tony, Effie, Susie, Mary and Rosie were all in attendance.

       Frank wants to thank Sue & Bob, Peg & Christy, and Effie & Bill for all their help.  Also a card was signed and sent to Joyce Gurto to thank her for what she had done to help.

       Jim wanted to know why no money was collected?  Frank said it was something that he wanted to do, so it was dropped.  Let it be known that Frank covered everything.

New Business:

       What to do after the last reunion.  Rosie wants to drop out unless it goes to a picnic.  Christy just wants a get together at least once a year.

       Susie said she has had 5 reunions and has had it.  If it is not changed she will be dropping out.

       Pat was looking forward to leaving it the way it was.  So was Jim.  Effie wants a picnic.

       A motion was made by Jim to change to a picnic after Joe’s reunion.  It was voted on a passed.  The next ten years will be a picnic.

       Tony said we should have a set date, covered dish, and donate for coffee etc.  Everyone agreed.

       Ohio, will be the place of all the picnics.  The second Sat. of July.  Sue & Christy are to look into the Village Green.

       Tony made a motion to try the Village Green the first year, seconded by Christy.  It was voted on and passed. 9 -1.

       For 1982 the reunion will be a picnic at the Village Green at 1:00 p.m., the second Sat. of July.  Secretary is to send the invitations with RSVP going to her.  Tony to get the coffee pots, secretary to get the coffee etc. and take up expenses later.

       Jim made a motion to keep Gayle as secretary. Seconded by Rosie.  It was voted and passed.

       All addresses and phone numbers to be given to the secretary to make a directory.  With a copy going to all on the list.  This was made into a motion by Christy and seconded by Tony.  It was voted on and passed.

       Please send any changes to the secretary and new babies.

       Tony made a motion to close the meeting, seconded by Frank.  It was voted on and passed.

Meeting closed!

Send copies to all 10.

Gurto Family Reunion

The 9th annual Gurto Family reunion was held Saturday July 12, 1980 at the home of Mr.  & Mrs. Robert Petrovski, 7434 Glenwood Rd., hosted by Frank Gurto.

       Grace was said by Christy Gurto.

       After dinner was served, games were played by all with prizes going to Effie Lewis who won the guess of the pennies.  Sherry Gurto who won the pin game.  All the small children attending also received prizes.

       Thanks to Sherry Gurto & Scott Thompson who were in charge of the games, Jim Speer who was the bartender, Dana Gurto for making the cake, and Joyce Gurto for all her help.

       Newest family members are Stacy Hackett, Daniel Burford and Loretta Carol, daughter of Kim.

       Out of town relatives and guests attended from Pittsburgh, Wexford and Sharon, Pa., Milwaukee and Oconomowoc, Wisc., Orwell and Cleveland, Ohio, West Palm Beach, Ocoee, and Orlando, Fla.

       The next Gurto Family Reunion will be held Saturday July 11, 1981.  Hosted by Mr.  & Mrs. Joe Gurto.