Pat Gurto
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Pat . . . Gayle . . . Sherry . . . Kyle . . . Karl . . .(5) . . .

The Pat and Gayle Gurto Family
Pat gurto family.jpg (95781 bytes)
Pat Gurto, Sherry Clancy, Gayle Gurto, Kyle and Karl Clancy - 1999

Kyle Prom '09

Karl Prom '09

Kyle and Karl
Sherry, Kyle, Karl Dec 2000.JPG (43973 bytes)
Sherry, Kyle, Karl  2000
Pat Gurto Family 2001 reunion.JPG (28825 bytes)
Pat, Gayle, Sherry
Kyle, Karl - 2001
Pat's Family.jpg (79610 bytes)
Kyle, Sherry, Kyle
Gayle, Pat 2002
Seniors Pat Gurto family 2003 (Small).jpg (58875 bytes)
Kyle, Sherry, Pat, Karl, Gayle 2003

Sherry, Kyle and Karl
Seniors Pat kyle 2003 (Small).jpg (24282 bytes)
Kyle 2003
Seniors Pat Karl 2003 (Small).jpg (22576 bytes)
Karl 2003

Sherry, Kyle, Gayle, Pat, Karl 2005
Seniors Pat 2003 (Small).jpg (29614 bytes)
Uncle Pat 2003
Pat's Family Tree

Jan. 6, 1938

Jul. 7, 1962

Aug. 23, 1942







Apr. 18, 1963










Dec. 12, 1990








Dec. 12, 1990







More Photos Below

Kyle, Sherry, Karl 99.JPG (22997 bytes)
Kyle, Sherry, Karl   1999